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Student Training

This libguide contains instructions for Library Student Employees.

Shelf Reading and Cleaning

Shelf Reading and Cleaning


Because books need to be easily found by patrons and staff, the order of the collection needs to be checked on a regular basis. Shelf reading is the way of insuring that our collection is kept in order and cleaned.


General Guidelines

  • If an area is getting overcrowded, notify the Library Assistant.
  • Shelf reading time limits will be set .
  • Each shelf should have a book end.  If not please note it on your shelf reading sheet and place bookends at the end of your shelving time. Bookends are located in the Dungeon.
  • Push books tightly together, but not too tight.  Try pulling a book out when you’re done.  If it comes out easily and without disturbing the other books, they are just right.
  • Pull the books off the shelf about ½ inch or one finger width.  This eases the pressure on the spine and makes the books look better.
  • Lightly dust each the books and shelves as you are shelf reading.


1. Bring items to the Information Desk and change the status to CATALOGING for the following reasons.

  • Items having identical call numbers. (Bring all copies)
  • Items which appear to have a part missing from the call number. (Refer to Dewey Number Recognition in the following box) Include a brief note with the item (your initials and date) explaining the problem. Put the item in the Assistant Librarian's mailbox.

2. Items that are in the wrong collection, for example, a book from the Junior section shelved in the main collection, need to be place on the book cart for reshelving.

Shelf Reading Procedure




  • Go to your designated shelf reading area and find the item on the shelf whose call number matches the one in the last column on the Log Sheet
  • Write down the call number where you begin on the next open row in the second column
  • Shelf read to ensure that the items on the each shelf are in order. Check Tips for Understanding Dewey Numbers.
  • At the end of each shelf, make sure that it’s in order with the shelf following and that identical Dewey numbers are together if possible. If that is not possible, look at the cutter number and try to keep same letters together. For example, if shelf number 1 ends with 331.2 As23, then shelf number 2 shouldn’t begin with 330.7 Y45, right? Nor should it begin with 331.2 As56.
  • After you’re done with each shelf, be sure to straighten and clean as well.  See General Guidelines.
  • When you’re finished, record where you ended and initial the log
  • Return all supplies when done.

DVD Shelf Reading Procedure

DVD Shelf Reading

   DVD discs are not kept inside the case, they have been assigned disc numbers and these are in a DVD database. Because there is the possibility that mistakes may have been made in placing discs in sleeves or forgetting to take discs out of cases, the storage unit needs to be shelf read.



   The Library Assistant will prepare a spreadsheet by copying the one stored in Xythos onto a Student laptop. The student will not use the original.



1. Shelf read the DVD storage unit in the Front Office

a. Put everything in numerical order

2. Make sure that all sleeves have a DVD

a. If a DVD is missing do the following

i. Enter the error into the 4th column

ii.Copy the DVD title and paste it into Primo Search

a) If the Primo search indicates that it is not available, that means it is checked out so place the sleeve in its spot in the storage drawer and remove the note in the 4th column

b) If Primo says it is available, copy and paste the call number and title from the database into the spreadsheet and go to the collection to search for the item.

3. If the DVD is still in the case, take it out and put it in its sleeve in the storage unit and remove the error note

4. If the DVD is not in the case, remove the case from the collection, change its status to CAT and put it and a signed and dated note explaining the problem in the Library Assistant’s mailbox.

5. Make sure that the right DVD is in the sleeve. If is just in a different sleeve, shuffle it to its correct sleeve.

6. Make sure all DVD’s have the call number and DVD number written in fine sharpie on its face

7. There may be other smaller issues, note them in the fourth column.

Follow Up

   The Library Assistant will follow up on problems found as a result of the DVD shelf reading.