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Student Training

This libguide contains instructions for Library Student Employees.

Master List of collections and codes

What is the NDDOC collection?

Allen Memorial Library collects documents published by ND government agencies. Every month we receive a shipment of them from the ND State Library. Most of them have been cataloged by the state library, so most of our work in this will involve using existing records or copy cataloging records from the State Library.

Creating new agencies

If a ND Government Agency does not appear on our ND Agency list, the Systems Specialist needs to assign a new agency number to the agency. Follow these steps.

1. Check the bib record held by the ND State Library (or UND) to get the exact name of the agency. It should be named in the b subfield of the 260 field.

2. Go to the ND Government website’s list of agencies to consult.

3. Generally, agency numbers are assigned by alphabetical order of the name; for instance

  • 003 Aeronautics Commission
  • 004 Agriculture, Department of

4. Exception: If the number is taken, then a number is generated adding a decimal point and an additional digit so that the number is between two agencies. For example:

  • 005 Arts, Council on the
  • 005.5 Atmospheric Resource Board
  • 006 Attorney General, Office of the

5. Exception: If the agency belongs to a parent agency, then assign the parent number followed by a decimal point(.) and another number. To be sure that the number is not taken, go to the stacks and consult with the ND Agency list.

  • 080 - NDSU Extension Service
  • 080.2 - NDSU Extension – Carrington

6. Add a new entry to the ND Agency list. Make sure to save the list in Xythos.

7. Upload the ND Agency list to the ND Document Libguide.

8. :) You have successfully created a new agency number! Follow How to Copy Catalog a New Bib.

Receiving and Sorting ND Government Documents


1. Open the box with oldest shipping date noted on the label (NDDOCs arrive periodically in chronological order most of the time).

2. On the delivery report, highlight any special notes (this includes any notes other than the count of the items entered into the Depository Program).

3. Determine the name of the agency responsible for creating the document. It should be on the delivery list as well as on the actual print document.

4. Each agency has its own corresponding number. For example, the ND Agriculture will have number 004. Examine the list of ND government agencies on the ND Agency list and find the matching agency on the document and corresponding agency number.

  • On occasion, you may come across a ND Government agency that does not appear on the List of Agencies.Place the item in the NDDOC Cataloging Errors box.

5. Then look in the NDDOC SORTING cart/area to see if there any items that belong to same agency.

  • If YES, place the item after the items belong to same agency.

  • If NO, Make a temporary book marker with Agency number and name e.g.: 004-Department of Agriculture; 061-Job Service; 123-VCSU. Then place the document on the NDDOC Cataloging cart/area in the appropriate place-agency bookmarkers are shelved in arithmetic order like 001, 002 ...etc.

6. Place a checkmark on the delivery list next to the name of the document.


Do not determine an agency number for the following titles. Route these to Periodicals box, or place them in the Systems Specialist's mailbox.


  • ND Medicine
  • ND Guardian
  • ND Outdoors
  • ND Studies
  • Official Bulletin
  • Plains Talk

What is the NDDOC title number?

Every ND government document will have its own title number (XXX-XXX) which consists of a three digit agency number followed by a three digit title number (based on format). In other words the title number tells you which ND government agency published what kind of document. For instance, ND State Agriculture could publish a report and its unique title number will be e.g. “004-200” = Agriculture-Reports.

Some exclusive titles have an additional number after the title number, containing document or report number (XXX-XXX.X...). Be sure to add the decimal after the title number & no blank space!


for a document “080-037.A375” = NDSU Extension Service-Pamphlets.Doc #

for a report “111-201.529” = #

List of agencies

Link to list of formats

 Caption Titles

 Caption titles are not checked in or duplicated after the initial bib record is created. You will recognize them by seeing the OPAC Note: “Additional materials with other dates of publication may found in this collection” in the item record.

 If the ND State Library (NDSMA) has cataloged the bib record with the “Caption Title” or “Titles supplied by Cataloger” messages in the 500 field, then copy catalog the bib record.

To copy catalog the initial bib record, see instructions for Duplicating Record in How to Copy Catalog a New Bib.

List of caption titles

How to check if we own the title?

  1. Go to the library website and begin a search in Primo's Advanced Search.
  2. Here you can search the item by title, agency or both at the same time by limiting your search types.
  3. After entering in your search, click the Search button.
  4. In the results, look for a matching title. Make sure that it has "ND Documents - 1st Floor" in the description. (If you are unsure, use "Tweak your results" to limit just to this location).
  5. If you do not find a matching record, move this to the Copy Catalog box.
  6. If you do find it, check whether this is a Journal or Book.
    1. If it is a Journal, copy the Title, and go to the Arrive step.
    2. If it is a Book, and you are sure that this is the correct matching book, copy the call number, and go to Duplicate.

Duplicating Items

  1. Log in to Alma; use the username NDVACQ (see your supervisor for the password)
  2. In Alma, search for Physical Titles -> Permanent Call Number, and paste in the call number. Click the search (magnifying glass) button.

3.On the resulting page, find the ellipses buttons, click it, and select items.

4. Go to the latest item on the list.

5. Click on Duplicate. You should be on the Physical Item Editor.

6. Set the Receiving date to today.

7. Change the serial levels.

  • Chron. Level 1 = year, Chron. Level 2=month, Chron. Level 3=date
  • Enum. Level 1: volume (if there is one) Enum. Level 2: number (if there is one)

8. In Description, change the date and volume information to reflect the item in your hand.

9. Attach the barcode to the top left corner ¾ inches from the top edge.

10. Scan in the barcode in the Barcode field.

11. Above the barcode, write down the call number from the call number field.

12. Click the Update button. :) Now you’ve successfully checked in the item! Place the item in NDDOC Verifying.

Arriving Items

1. Log in to Alma; use the username NDVACQ (see your supervisor for the password).

2. Go to the Acquisitions menu, and select Receive.

3. On the Receive New Material page, make sure that the Continuous tab is selected. Find the search box below it (see screenshot), and type in the name of the document.

4. Among the results, find the matching document. Click the ellipses button and select Manage Items. (If there is none; recheck your catalog search earlier to see if this was a book instead of a journal. If it was still a journal, forward this to the Systems Specialist, who will troubleshoot this).

5. On this screen, check the descriptions on the list of items for a year/date that matches this one. If you find one, follow these steps:

  1. Find the ellipses by this item and select Edit Inventory Item.
  2. On the following page, set the Receiving Date to today's date.
  3. Apply a barcode to the upper left corner of the front page of the document.
  4. Scan in the barcode. This saves the item.
  5. Back on the list of items, find the ellipses again, and this time select Receive.
  6. Write in the call number in the space above the barcode.
  7. You have finished arriving this item!

6. If you do not find a matching date, you can arrive a new issue. Follow these steps.

  1. Click the Receive new items link.
  2. On the following page, find the New Items details.
  3. Enter in the Enumeration and Chronology levels to match the item. (Note: try to match these levels in the way that the last received item was formatted.)
  4. Scan in the barcode. This saves the item.
  5. Back on the list of items, find the ellipses again, and this time select Receive.
  6. Write in the call number in the space above the barcode.
  7. You have finished arriving this item!


How to Arrive items in Acquisitions?

Once the items have been sorted by agency number, you can start duplicating1 or checking-in2  items to an existing bib record. Before you duplicate or add an item you have to search for its bib record in Aleph Acquisitions Model. When you find a matching bib record, you can check it in or duplicate it.

Note: Government Documents that are DVDs or CDs should not be cataloged as Government Documents. Instead, the Systems Specialist should catalog such items according to their format. Refer to the instructions for cataloging DVDs and data CDs or music CDs

1To duplicate means to create a second copy of an item record.

2To check-in means to use the arrival function in Serials for new issues.


1. Log into Aleph Acquisitions (>NDVACQS: acq1)and go to the "Find" screen and type the title of the item you have in your hand (see screen shot above).

2. Click on the title from the list to highlight it and then click on the Show button to pull up the record of the item.  Check the title, author, call number, and any other information that would help you to recognize this as the correct bib record.

3. If it is the correct bib record, highlight the item and click on the Serials button.

4. On the left of the screen, check to see if this item has patterns. You will need to do 1 of 2 things:

Step 2: Check-In if there are expected issues.

1. Serials check-in can be performed in the Check-In under Control in the Serials tab on the left side of the screen. When the check-in node is selected, the upper pane displays a list of serial item records and the lower pane displays an item record with data for update.

2. Check to make sure the item record matches with the physical item. Information that you’ll be looking for will include volume #, issue #, and date. Select the item line.

a.If the volume #, issue # or year, month, date are correct, then click the Arrive button. The focus then transfers to the lower pane, and the Arrival Form is activated.

b.If the volume #, issue, or date is incorrect, note them on the LIBRARY ITEM ROUTING FORM & place the item & the form in the NDDOC Question box.

3. Attach the barcode to the top left corner ¾ inches from the top edge, leaving space for the call number above.

4. Scan in the barcode in the Barcode field. An activity window will pop up. Close it.

5. In pencil above the barcode, write down the call number (049-103-) followed by the description (2012:Nov). (Example=049-103-2012:Nov.) .

6. Click the Arrive button :) Now you’ve successfully checked in the item! Place the item in NDDOC Verifying.

Duplicating Items (old steps)

We only duplicate items that don’t have any patterns! Review the instructions on identifying patterns (step 4 of Finding bibs) if you are unsure.

1.Once you made sure that the item doesn’t have patterns, and then click on Item List from the left side of the screen.

2. Scroll down to the last item on the list and click on it to highlight it.

3. Click on Duplicate button on the top right of the screen. The focus then transfers to the lower pane.

4. You should be in tab 2. Arrival Form.

5. On this screen, you will need to go to tab 4. Serial Information and set the Arrival Date to today.

6. In tab 5. Serial Levels, you will need to change the following fields to reflect the item in your hand:

  • Chron. Level 1 = year, Chron. Level 2=month, Chron. Level 3=date
  • Enum. Level 1: volume (if there is one) Enum. Level 2: number (if there is one)

7. Go to tab 2. General Information (1)

  • In Description, change the date and volume information to reflect the item in your hand.

8. Attach the barcode to the top left corner ¾ inches from the top edge.

9. Scan in the barcode in the Barcode field.

10. In pencil above the barcode, write down the call number from the call number field.

11. Click the Update button. :) Now you’ve successfully checked in the item! Place the item in NDDOC Verifying.

How to Copy Catalog a New Bib (manually)

Copy cataloging means that we acquire the bib record from another library (the ND State Library is our first choice; the second choice is UND), copy it, and add it to our own.


  • You need a higher level of permission to do this step.
  • If you plan on copy cataloging a batch of records, follow the steps in How to Copy Catalog a New Bib (batch) instead of these steps.

1. Follow the steps 1-5 in How to Check if We Own the Title. If you find that VCSU owns the title, see instructions in How to Check–In or Duplicate items in Acquisitions. If you don’t, proceed to the next step.

2. On the results screen, look on the left side of the screen for Library. Look for ND State Library or UND; if you can’t find it immediately, note them on the LIBRARY ITEM ROUTING FORM & place the item & the form in the NDDOC Question box.

3. On the list of results for ND State Library, click on the Locations tab to see if the title has summary holdings or not.

  • If it has NO summary holdings, you need to copy catalog it in Aleph Cataloging and create new item (s) in the bib record. See instructions for Duplicating Record.
  • If it has summary holdings, repeat steps from a, and then add 852, 853 and /or 853X fields in the Holdings. See Add Patterns & Subscriptions.

4. Copy the call number.

Duplicating Record

1. Go to the Browse section of ALEPH Cataloging Find mode. Then select ALL ODIN for Base, and Call Numbers (All) for Heading List. Paste the call number (that you copied in step1.) in the Enter Starting Text field and click Go. A list of numbers will appear; find the matching one and click Catalog on the right.

2. A message comes up “You are denied permission based on “OWN”  fields. Your changes will not be saved on the server.”‖ This will be ok, since you will be making a duplicate of this record and copying that one. Click OK.

3. Then go to the Cataloging menu located at the top of the page and select Duplicate Record. Another message will come up; ignore it and click OK. On the next window, select ODN01.

4. Make the following changes to this record:

a. Delete the 001 field.

Note: This is vital, because the existing 001 field has the system of the bib record from another library. ALEPH will automatically give this record a new system number when you save it, but if this old number is not deleted, the record will have two system numbers, which causes problems with indexing.

b. In 040, add a subfield d (use the F7 key to add a new subfield) containing the text NDV. You can leave all of the existing fields in 040 as they are, including any other d subfields.

c. In 049, change whatever is in subfield “a” to NDVA.. Delete any other subfields or abbreviations. (Use CTRL+F7 to delete a subfield).

d. In the OWN field change the abbreviation to NDV.

e. If there are any LKR fields, delete them. (Use CTRL+F5 to delete a field).

f. Delete any 994 fields.

5. Save the record by clicking the Save button and this adds a new record to the NDV collection. Remember, you are duplicating another libraries bib record, not our own!

6. Click OK on the message that comes up, and Continue for the subsequent message (if there is a red warning, immediately contact the Systems Specialist to fix the error).

7. Add a holdings record. (Do this by right-clicking on the ODN60 on the lower left chart and selecting Load/Create Record; see below.)

Modify HOL Record

1. You will need to replace the subfields in the 852 field. The 852 first indicator should equal 8, and the a, b, and c subfields should be identical to what appears below.

How to Copy Catalog a New Bib (manually) part 2

2. For the h subfield of 852, add a title number using these steps unless the document contains a report or document number. Go to Report or Document numbered titles for the list of these types of documents.

a. For the first part of title number, determine the name of the agency responsible for creating this document, and find its agency number. If the agency is not on the List of ND Agencies, you will need to follow the steps in Creating new agencies to create a new agency number.

b. For the group of numbers (or the second part) after the agency number, use the list of document formats found on the List of ND Document Formats to find the range that this number should be.

c. Before you assign title number, you have to carefully examine number of factors.

i. First carefully examine how the North Dakota State Library (NDSMA) cataloged it in the Primo interface (not Aleph!) after you determined that we don’t own the title. Ask questions like: do they have the same or similar title cataloged in different years? How many items are under this title? Does the bib record have an open date (19uu /20uu/2000-) or closed date? Does NDSMA have separate bib for different years or one bib record with multiple years? Are there summary holdings?

ii. You can assign the same title numbers to items that have different publication dates and separate bib records - if NDSMA has cataloged same titles in different years separately.

iii. You can catalog same titles with different publication dates under one bib, if only the bib record has open end years!!! – if NDSMA’s bib record has open end years. If there are SUMMARY HOLDINGS, you have to add 853 and 853X; see Add Patterns and Subscriptions.

iv. You must check if the document is one those that is listed on the Report or Document numbered titles or Caption Titles lists.

v. Add a dash to the end of the title number.

d. You must consider all the factors above before you continue with this step! Use the Browse option to find where all of the existing title numbers with this agency and format begin. Look at the range of title numbers and choose the most appropriate available number in that format range with a room to grow at least five (5) before and after that number! (See exceptions to this rule in the Report or Document numbered titles list).

i.To go back to the bib record, click on the Records icon.

ii. For example: You have a brand new newsletter (range 100-199) published by the Game and Fish Department (agency number 043) in the year 2012. For example, enter in 070-900. You will see the list title number in 900 ranges. So, you see the possible title number and assign a next eligible number to the new title.

iii. If the title number includes a document or report number, follow these steps:

1) For the group of numbers after the agency number, use the title number that this report series already belongs to.

2) For a title with its own document or report number, add its number to the title number separated by a decimal. Make sure to add the title to the list of Report or Document numbered titles.

3) Keep all zeros in the report number, but if there is a dash or other symbols in the document or report number, leave out. e.g., a report with number 09-345 will be 111-090.09345. Once you assigned the title number make sure to add a dash (-) without space at the end of the title number.

3. Click the Save on Server button (the icon with the red arrow and the computer). Click Continue.

4. :) Now you’ve successfully duplicated and added holdings to the bib record! Next you will need to either Add an Item Record or Add Patterns & Subscriptions. Remember, if there are no summary holdings, do the former. If there are, do the latter.

Add an Item Record

1. For a new bib record like this, you can easily get to the record’s item screen by clicking on the plus sign by the NDV50 and then double click on Items.

2. Click on the New button.

3. Go to tab 4. Serial Information and set the Arrival Date to today.

How to Copy Catalog a New Bib part 3

4. Go to tab 2. General Information (1)

a. Item Status: 50 (four weeks)

b. Process Status: PR (in process)

c. Enter year (xxxx) in "Enum level. A" and if there is a range of years, a backslash will be added (2011/2012).

d. Enter month (01,02... 12) or season (XX) in Enum. Level.2 and season’s numeric references: 21(spring), 22(summer), 23(autumn/fall) & 24(winter).

e. Description: Year: month/season in text (2011:spring).

f. Hol. Link: Select the number that shows up. (Note: if you forgot to link in this step, go to the HOL link tab to re-link.)

g. Material type: Book/map.

h. Sublibrary: NDVMA

i. Collection: NDDOC

5. Attach the barcode to the top left corner ¾ inches from the top edge.

6. In the Barcode field, scan the barcode.

7. In pencil above the barcode, write down the call number from the call number field.

8. The final step is to add holdings for the item in OCLC (if you have not already done so). Do the following:

a. Go back to the bib record in ALEPH.

b. Find the OCLC number in the 035 field and copy it (do not copy the “(OCoLC)” portion).

c. Open the OCLC Connexion client.

d. From the Batch menu, select Holdings by OCLC number.

e. Paste the number in the text box on the left side of the window.

f. For Action, select Update Holdings

g. Click OK. This will open a progress window, and after a short time, the holdings will be added.

9. :) Now you’ve successfully Added the item! Place the item in NDDOC Verifying. Note: If you set up your default correctly in step 4, next time when you add new items, you just need to do steps 4c, d, f, g.

Add Patterns and Subscriptions

Add Patterns & Subscriptions

1. Go to the Browse section in Aleph Acquisitions and select ALL ODIN HOL Records for Base, and Call Numbers (All) for Headings List. Paste the call number (of the bib record that you would like to copy the 853& 853X fields) in the Enter Starting Text field and click Go.

2. A list of call numbers will appear; find the matching one and click Catalog. This opens up the Aleph Cataloging module, and several holding records will open up. As these records open, you will be getting the “You are denied permission...” message for each of them; click OK. Keep in mind that these may be from various libraries, and that you should only copy the 853 and 853X fields from the record(s) in NDSMA or UNDMA. Close all of the other holding records to avoid confusion. To close bibs, click on the first X icon from the top right corner.

3. In Aleph Cataloging module still, click on "Split Editor Mode" so that you'll have a dual screen showing.

4. Then, go to Browse in in Aleph Cataloging and enter the VCSU call number in Enter Starting Text field and click Go. Make sure that All ODIN is selected for Base. Now you should see two holding records: Non –VCSU with 853/853X fields and VCSU without 853 fields.

5. Select the holding record containing the 853 and 853X fields of the Non -VCSU bib record, and do the following:

a. Highlight the 853 & 853X fields from the holding record you selected

b. Click on "Edit Text" from the menu bar and select "Copy Fields" or Ctrl+T

6. Then in the VCSU record do the following:

a. Put the cursor in our holding record.

b. Click on "Edit Text" from the menu bar and select "Paste Fields" or Alt+T

c. You may now close the holding record of the Non-VCSU record by using the 1st X icon from the top right corner.

7. Double check the title#, 852/853/85X fields of VCSU record and Save.

8. Go back to Browse section in ALEPH Acquisitions, Valley City State Univ for Base, and enter the title number, you have assigned to the item in 852 (h) field. Select the matching record and click on Show on the right.

9. Once it retrieves the bib record, click on Serials on the right.

10. Select Subscription List (1) on the left panel and then click the Add button on the right.

11. If you have already set the default values, click on the arrow button next to the Hol. Link to select the available number. Click Add.

12. If you have not yet set the default values, set the them as follows:

a. Sublibrary: NDVMA

b. From Date: The year of the first item in the record or earlier year

c. To Date: 01/01/2090.

d. Item Status: 50

e. Collection: NDDOC

f. Call Number Type: 8 (Other)


h. Delivery Type: S

i. Hol. Link: Select the number that shows up. (Note: if you forgot to link in this step, go to the HOL link tab to re-link.)

j. Click the Set as Default button.

k. Click the Add button.

13. To start a new pattern, go to Level-X tab of Patterns.

                a. Check to see that

i.Type is set to 853,

ii. Link is set to 1 or 0.

b. Change Copy: to All Subscriptions.

c. Change the subscription start information in Enum and /or Chron levels using the item in hand.

d. Click Update. Refer to the Enumeration & Chronology Level Reference document.

14. Go to the Expected Schedule tab, and note if the information is correct for the upcoming issues. If it is click Open Items. If it is not, go back to step 13 and make the necessary changes.

15. :) You have successfully opened new items. Next, check-in new issues with the instructions in Check-In if there are expected issues.

How to Copy Catalog a New Bib (batch)

1. In ALEPH (any module), go to the search tab and select Find. Under Base, select ALL ODIN.

a. Search for the title, agency, or both.

b. In the results, look for a record from NDSMA (ND State Library) or UNDMA (UND).

c. When you find a record that matches the item, click on the My Records button to add it to the My Records collection.

d. Repeat this step for the next items.

2. When you are done with a particular session, go to the My Records tab, and click Save. Save the file as NDDOC_records_(date)_(your initials).xml

3. When you start a new session of cataloging, begin by opening the My Records tab from the Search tab, and opening the file from which you began adding records. Then, continue with steps 2-5 for items that need records.

4. When you are ready to add the bib records, go back to the My Records tab. Select all of the records, and click the Print/Send button.

a. In the record formats window, choose Name Tags.

b. On the page that comes up, copy the entire page.

5. Open an Excel spreadsheet. Paste the tables.

a. Delete the non-table data.

b. Select the entire table, and filter it so only the name tags with “OCLC Number” show up.

c. Copy all of the entries in the Data field, and paste them in a text document.

d. Remove all instances of “ocm”, “ocn”, or “(OCoLC)”.

e. Save the text file as nddoc_oclc_(date)_(your intiails).txt

6. Open the Connexion client. Go to the Batch menu, and select Enter Bibliographic Search Keys.

a. Make sure that the “Use default index:” option is set to “OCLC (no:)”.

b. Click on the import button, and select the text file that you saved. When asked if you want to delete the file, select No.

c. Once the numbers are showing on the list, click Save, and then Close.

7. From the Batch menu, select Process Batch. On this screen, click on the first red check mark and click on Online Searches under Process. Then click Ok. This opens a Connexion Client Batch in Process window, which shows the progress of the batch search. When it is complete, a Batch search Report show up. Close this window.

8. Click on “File”, “Logon” and “OK” to logon to Connexion’s online service.

9. To open the local save file, go to the Cataloging menu, and under Search, select Local Save File. Click OK.

a. On the list of local save file records that come up, select all of the ones that you recently did a batch search for.

b. To update holdings, go to the Action menu, and under Holdings, select Update Holdings.

c. To export the records, go to the Action menu, and select Export.

d. Once you have exported all of the records, delete them from the Save File (go to the Action menu and select Delete Record).

10. Back in ALEPH Cataloging, go to the Search tab. This time, make sure that Base is set to Valley City State University.

11. Search for the OCLC number of the record. On the results screen, click Cataloging.

12. From Cataloging, open the HOL record, and go to the Modify HOL record step.

Verify ND Government Documents

Depending on the type of document you have, do the following:

A. If you are verifying a document with a new bib record, begin at Verify ND Bib Records in ALEPH Cataloging Client. After this, you will go to Verify NDDOC Items in Patron Interface, followed by Patron interface verifying : WorldCat.

B. If you are verifying a document with only a new item record, skip ahead to Verify NDDOC Items in Patron Interface. Do not do the WorldCat interface verifying step.

Verify ND Bib  Records in ALEPH Cataloging Client - use this step only for new bib records

1. Enter the title number in search field of Browse Mode in Aleph Cataloging and click Go. You will see list of titles in order of title number sequence.

2. Now check if there are any bib records that have the same title number. More than one record can share the same title numbers if dates are the only differentiating factors. But, if you see two completely different titles with the same number, note them on the LIBRARY ITEM ROUTING FORM & place the item & the form in the NDDOC Question box. If not, select the matching bib record and click Show on the right.

3. Then go to holding records – double click HOL-NDVMA in ODN60 and check the following fields (fields a-c must be exactly the same;the call number varies from title to title):

4. Serials records with summary holdings must have 853 & 853X, with subfield "8" & "1", corresponding subfields for patterns & subscriptions. See Examples of serials schemes.

5. :) Now you’ve successfully verified the bib record. Now go to our library homepage and continue with Verify NDDOC Items in Patron Interface.

6. Otherwise, note the errors on the LIBRARY ITEM ROUTING FORM & place the item & the form in the NDDOC Cataloging Error box.




Verify ND Government Documents part 2

Verify NDDOC Items in ALEPH Cataloging

After checking the physical item, check the item’s record in our catalog. If you find any errors, complete the bottom part of the VERIFICATION-PROBLEMS form. Be sure to change the item status back to cataloguing status (CT) and then return both item and form to the NDDOC Question box.

1.Change the item status to Not in Process (see Changing Item Status)

2. In ALEPH Cataloging, do the following

a. Open the search tab.

b. Select the Barcode dropdown, and in the matching field, scan in the barcode.

3. Go through the results, and match the item with the correct entry. Click on the Items button.

4. All of these must match; see the screenshot below.

a. Title

b. Collection – This should be ND Documents -1st Floor.

c. Call number – Match closely

d. Description column for the item should show the year/ month/ season/ date in one of the following formats.

i.Year & month -2005: Jan represents 2005 January

ii. Year & season - 2005:spring represents 2005 Spring

Use the code 21 for spring, 22 for summer, 23 for autumn, and 24 for winter

iii. Year, month & date -2005: Jan: 24 represents 2005 January 24

e. Item Status – Four Weeks

5. If you find anything odd or inconsistent that doesn’t seem right, note the errors on the LIBRARY ITEM ROUTING FORM & place the item & the form in the NDDOC Questions box.

6. If this is a new bib record, then move to the Patron interface verifying: WorldCat section.

7. :) Now you’ve successfully verified the item! Put it in the shelving box.

Patron interface verifying : WorldCat

After checking the item on Primo, you’ll need to check that our holdings for this record exist on WorldCat. (Skip this step if the item has a skinny bib record).

1. Still in Primo, copy the OCLC number.  Look in the Details tab for the Identifier. If there are multiple OCLC numbers in the Identifier, you may need to try each of them to retrieve the matching record.

2. In Worldcat, paste in the OCLC number and search. Once the search is complete, you should see an item record with VCSU symbol on the top of the results. 

3. If the matching record does not have the VCSU symbol, note the errors on the LIBRARY ITEM ROUTING FORM & place the item & the form in the NDDOC Questions box. Be sure to change the item status back to cataloguing status (CT).

4.Put it in the shelving box.

Verifying NDDOC caption titles

(Caption titles will be labeled as such by the processor or cataloger before they come to the verifier.)

1. Before verifying NDDOC caption title documents, sort them by title number in numerical order.

2. Then you need to find the matching bib record in Aleph Cataloging. Use NDVCAT (user name) and cat07 (password) to log in. Then click on the Search tab that has binoculars icon. Then click on Browse on the left pane.

3. Type in a document title number, you are verifying, in the open field of "Enter Starting Text:" browsing option and click Go button to continue. For example, if you enter 069-500-, there would be list of records that are close to this title number.

4. Then match the title number (e.g 069-500-) and title of the document (e.g Minutes of the Administrative Rules Committee) to make sure that you have the correct bib record.

5. Select the record and click on Show button and to open the bib record.

6. The screen should change to Show tab. Then click on Items button to see item record.



7. Once you are in the Items record you should be able to see OPAC notes in General Information tab (2). If you don’t see the tab automatically selected, click on it. The note in the OPAC Note field has to say "Additional Materials with other dates of publication may found in this collection." If not, note the error(s) on the LIBRARY ITEM ROUTING FORM & place the item and form in the NDDOC Question box.



8. If you see the message, it is ready to be shelved. Place the document in NDDOC to shelve box.

9. If there is anything wrong or inconsistent, note the error(s) on the LIBRARY ITEM ROUTING FORM & place the item and form in the NDDOC Question box.


Verify NDDOC items in Patron interface : ODIN Classic

In certain instances, the record in PRIMO will not be available, so you will need to verify that the record is present in the ODIN Classic interface.

1. Open the ODIN Classic catalog

2. Search the item by title or part of the title. Do Not use article: a, an, & the in the title search!

3. Go through the results, and match the item with the correct entry. If you do not find the item at all, complete the bottom part of the VERIFICATION PROBLEMS form.  Be sure to change the item status back to cataloguing status (CT) and then return both item and form to the Cataloging Errors box.

4. On the record page, verify that all of these match.

a. Title

b. Record Format

5. Click on the All Items link, and make sure that all of these match.

a. Barcode - find this under the Locations tab. It has to be an exact match.

b. Collection - This should be ND Documents -1st Floor.

c. Title number, which shows up under the Call number column. There should be no space in the Title Number e.g.: 043-820-represents Agency-Title-(check the dash after the last number!) It also should match the number on the item.

d. Item status - Four Weeks

e. Description column for the item should show the year/ month/ season/ date in one of the following formats.

i.Year & month -2005: Jan represents 2005 January

ii. Year & season - 2005:spring represents 2005 Spring

Use the code 21 for spring, 22 for summer, 23 for autumn, and 24 for winter

iii. Year, month & date -2005: Jan: 24 represents 2005 January 24

f. Status - Available

6. If you find anything odd or inconsistent that doesn’t seem right, complete the bottom part of the VERIFICATION PROBLEMS form.  Be sure to change the item status back to cataloguing status (CT) and then return both item and form to the Cataloging Errors box.

7. :) Now you’ve successfully verified the item! Put it in the shelving box.

Cataloging ND Documents not received from the State Library

There will be some documents that you will receive through the mail that do not come from the ND State Library. For these, you may still catalog them as ND Government Documents. Follow these steps to determine if they should be cataloged as such.

1. Search for the record in VCSU's catalog.

a. If you find it in the NDDOC collection, follow the same steps for cataloging as always, with one exception: if the particular issue has already been checked in, then put the item on the free table.

b. If you find it in another collection (for instance, Periodicals), check it in/catalog it in the same way that you normally would for an item in this collection.

2. If you don’t find it in VCSU’s catalog, search through all of ODIN, and then (if necessary) in Worldcat. If you find a matching bib record, then determine if it is part of a North Dakota Government agency.

a. If so, go to the How to Copy Catalog a New Bib step and continue from there.

b. If not, then you will need to make a determination about whether or not the item should be cataloged or placed on the free table. Consider if the item has potential importance in research, or if there is valuable local information. If you choose to catalog it, go to the How to Copy Catalog a New Bib step and continue from there. Make sure to give it the agency number 135 (non-governmental document).

3. If you can’t find a bib record anywhere, then you will need to make a determination about whether or not the item should be cataloged or placed on the free table. If you choose to catalog it, you will need to create an original bib record, but you may be able to base it on any similar bib record.

a. Find a similar bib record and open it in Connexion.

b. Derive a new record from it, and catalog the item as a new record.

c. Update holdings for the bib record, then export it.

d. Continue on with cataloging by going to the Modify HOL record step.