Use the following resources and services below as you progress through your assignment. As always, feel free to contact the Library should you have any questions at any point in your research process.
Interlibrary Loan is a free service that allows you to borrow articles and books from other libraries around the world. Please note that there is a wait time associated with all requests, and that books take longer to arrive than electronic articles.
The Library's citation guide provides general introductions to MLA and APA. In addition, it links to other excellent citation guides, including the Hacker Documentation Guide, and Purdue Owl.
Primo allows you to search through a number of the Library's databases simultaneously. The best way to utilize Primo is by using the Advanced Search option.
UNC Library's Journal Types page is an excellent and brief introduction to the types of sources you are likely to encounter during your research here at VCSU. Take a look!