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EDUC 321: Foundations of Reading

Doing article reviews for Foundations of Reading.

Printing Your Articles

To print the articles you find in our databases, look for the full text options:  


The PDF is preferable, because it retains the pagination and layout of the original print journal.

If you do not see this option listed, it's possible that you are only seeing abstract information.  Databases will often include abstract information to articles that we do not have access to--This both helps researchers know that more information is available and servces the interests of the database company as some easy guerilla marketing.

Most of our databases come equipped with a "Find it at VCSU" feature: 

You will often see this button appear when the particular database you are using does not have access to the article's full text.  This allows you to search across most our resources for a specific article.  Sometimes, the article is available elsewhere.  If not, you will need to request the item through Interlibrary Loan, or locate another article.

Citing Articles

Our databases often offer the ability to generate a citation automatically.  Please keep in in mind that these citations need to be checked against citation guides like the Purdue OWL.


In our EBSCO resources, locate the Cite button on the right-hand side of the article's landing page: 

You will also need the document's URL, which may be found using the Permalink button: 


In our ProQuest resources, you will want to locate the Cite button in the blue toolbar on the article's landing page: 

To locate the document's URL, you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the article's landing page, and copy/past the link provided there: