From Encyclopedia of American Studies Feminist art was not regarded as a movement per se but a revolutionary strategy intended to challenge received assessments of modernism, formal values, and stylistic hierarchies.
From The Reader's Companion to US Women's History Feminist literary criticism can be defined as the study of literature by women, or the interpretation of any text written with an attention to gender dynamics or a focus on female characters.
From Women in Higher Education: An Encyclopedia The development of a feminist methodology arises from feminist critiques of conventional ideas about how to do research. A number of feminisms exist. Employing them as guides to the conduct of research and the selection of techniques and epistemologies constitutes feminist methodology.
From The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology In general terms, feminist social theory is concerned to understand and explain the subordinate position of women in society by reference to gender differences and specifically in terms of a theory of patriarchy.
From The Reader's Companion to US Women's History Feminist theology is not primarily reflection on special “feminine” themes in theology and does not intend to create a special subcategory of theology relevant primarily to women. Rather, feminist theology arises from a recognition that traditional theology in Christianity (and other major religions) has been created almost exclusively by males.
From World of Sociology Men’s Studies is rooted in the politics of the pro-feminist men’s movement, which supports the basic tenets of feminism and embraces the goal of eliminating men’s privilege over women.
From Encyclopedia of Gender and Society Psychoanalytic feminism asserts that through the use of psychoanalytical techniques aimed at examining how gender is constructed, as well as differences between men and women, it is possible to alter socialization patterns at the early stages of childhood, primarily before the age of 3.