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Looking for at book or article that the VCSU library doesn't have? Interlibrary Loan it! Interlibrary Loan is a free service that allows you to borrow articles and books from other libraries around the world. Please note that there is a wait time associated with all requests, and that books take longer to arrive than electronic articles.
Follow these simple steps to locate and find books at the VCSU Library!
1. Visit the VCSU Library homepage at and click on Databases and then A-Z list of databases.
Note: Avoid using the Articles+ tab and the Search Everything tab as these will collect too many results.
2. Select a database to search within, recommended databases for articles are Academic Search Premier and JSTOR.
3. Similar to searching for books, click on the advanced search.
4. Enter your search terms for the search in the bars at the top of the page.
5. From your results, narrow on the left hand side. Recommended narrowing fields: source type, publication date, and subject.
6. Once you have narrowed your results, and find an article you would like to read click on either PDF Full Text or Find it @ VCSU to access the article!