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Direct Quotation | (Surname page number) |
Two creators | (Surname1 and Surname2 page number) |
3 or more creators | (Surname1, et al. page number) |
No page numbers | (Surname) |
Indirect Source | (qtd. in Surname page number) |
Unknown Creator | ("First portion of title" page number |
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Print Book |
Last name, First name, Middle initial. Title of book. Publisher, Publication year. Roberts, Dorothy. Killing the black body. Vintage Books, 2017. |
Chapter in an edited book |
Last name, First name, Middle initial. "Title of chapter." Title of Book, edition, edited by Editor's name(s), Publisher, Year, Pages. Kessel, John. "Sharing the passion." The volleyball coaching bible, volume 2, edited by Cecile Reynaud, Human Kinetics, 2015, 3-14. |
Journal Article |
Last name, First name, Middle initial. "Title of Article." Name of Journal, vol. number, issue number, year, pages. Name of database, DOI or URL. Date of Access (Optional) Campbell, Lisa, et al*. "It takes a community." Journal of Library Administration, volume 55, issue 2015, 577-586. LISTA, 10.1080/01930826.2015.1076313. November 12, 2018. *el al. is used when there are three or more authors for the article. |
Artwork |
Artist’s last name, first name. Title of artwork. Year. Name of institution/private collection housing artwork. Title of database or website. Publisher/sponsor of database or website. Medium consulted. Date of access. Church, Frederic Edwin. Niagara. 1957. National Gallery of Art. NGA Images. Web. December 14, 2018. |
Website |
Last name, First name, Middle initial [or name of organization]. "Title of Webpage." Name of website, Publisher if different from name of website, Date published or updated, URL. Accessed day month year. Allen Memorial Library. "Reference services at Allen Memorial Library." Allen Memorial Library, Valley City State University, 2018, Accessed 14 December 2018. |
Streaming Video |
Movie Title. Dir. director's name. Studiio or Distributor, Year. Name of database. Web. Date of access. African Contemporary Art. CNN, 2018. Films on Demand. Web. August 9, 2019. |