PSYC 250: Developmental Psychology

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Resources for Psyc 250 Students

Find Peer-Reviewed Articles in the Library Catalog

Using the library's advanced search option is the best way to find articles on our website. To find peer-reviewed articles, follow these steps:

  1. Open advanced search and select "articles"
  2. Put in the search term or terms you want to use
  3. Limit the search to articles in English and limit the publication date as needed
  4. Hit search.
  5. Look at the "Tweak your Results" list on the right side of the results and click on "Peer-reviewed Journals" under the availability section.

For more detailed instructions on using the advanced search feature, see our Databases and Searching Tips research guide.

Struggling to visualize the search? The labeled screenshots below might help:


Advanced search for adolescence and mental health.








Search result and tweak your results options. Peer-reviewed Journals is highlighted.

Databases to Try for Psychology Research

You can also find peer-reviewed articles by searching in the databases that the library is subscribed to. Some useful databases for psychology articles are linked below.

Resources for Finding Other Sources

For more psychology-specific resources and information on locating books in the library catalog, visit our Psychology subject research guide.

To learn how to locate resources by material type, check out the How to Find library help guide.

Want to meet one-on-one with Hannah the librarian to get research help? Schedule an appointment!