From the course Blackboard:
Content requirements:
Your paper should contain the following information:
(1) why you chose or are interested in this career;
(2) required education;
(3) location and availability of jobs;
(4) expected salary range;
(5) types of technology used, including how artificial intelligence will impact it when you are joining the job market;
(6) predictions such as issues, additional required education, changes for this career, etc., in five, ten, twenty years for the student's career path.
Formatting requirements:
Your paper must be written using the APA style 7th edition and include:
(1) a professional cover page;
(2) an abstract page;
(3) a minimum of two informative pages which address the required content;
(4) a reference/bibliography page.
(5) page number on each page of report
(6) Intext Citations