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CIS 170: Intro to Computer Information Systems

Use this guide to complete your career exploration assignment using solid research skills.

Using AI Wisely for Research

When using generative AI for research, remember the following: 

  • Generative AI is not always accurate, you need to verify any information you get from AI
  • Ask the Generative AI program you're using for its sources, make sure to go to those sources and read them
  • Do not have AI write your paper, if you are going to use information from the Generative AI response to the prompts you should treat it like a quotation. 
  • Check the OneStop Article below for more information about using Generative AI for research.

OneStop Article on Using Generative AI for Research Papers

Citing AI in APA format


Being transparent with AI means crediting the AI tool used any time you use Generative AI. An important part of being a student is maintaining academic integrity. Academic integrity includes doing your own work and giving credit to any sources you use. In APA style, you need to explain how you used AI in the introduction section of your paper. 

The APA citation format for Generative AI is as follows: 

Format: Author. (Year). Title of the AI tool or model (Date Accessed Version). Type of AI used. URL. 

Example: OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT-4 (Mar 14 version). [Large language model]. 

Learn more about being transparent with AI in the OneStop article below.

OneStop Article on Being Transparent with AI

Using AI for proofreading

Sometimes, asking Generative AI to help proofread your paper can be a useful tool. Don't automatically accept every change an AI tool recommends, take the time to think about if the suggested changes make sense. 

This is also a good time to mention the difference between Generative AI and general AI tools. Using spellcheck in Microsoft Word, for example, is not generative AI.