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8 Dimensions of Wellness: Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness


purple wedge with graphic of a person meditating and the word spiritual.

Spiritual wellness may not be something that you think about much, yet its impact on your life is vast. Spiritual wellness encompasses your personal values, beliefs, and sense of purpose and meaning in life. It may or may not involve religion or religious activities. Many factors play a role in defining our own spirituality: religious faith, values, beliefs, ethics, and morals are all components.

Ways to develop your Spiritual Wellness:
  • Explore, question, and clarify your personal values.
  • Become aware of how values develop and change from life experiences.
  • Find a way to connect with your spirituality on a regular basis, through prayer, meditation, journaling, or whatever works for you and your beliefs.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Slow down! Allow yourself time to just be.
  • Reach out to your community, through volunteering, religious practice, student organizations, or conversations with friends and loved ones.