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Student Training

This libguide contains instructions for Library Student Employees.

Inventory Information and Documentation

Introductory Information

Inventory is when all of the items in a library’s collection are counted; we take inventory once a year in order to help maintain catalog integrity and make informed collection decisions. It is a big project that involves multiple parties, detailed reports, and careful communications between all parties.

Always do Inventory searching from the Summary report prior to the Marking report!.

FYI: For saving files, always begin with the collection abbreviation, followed by the report name, date, and your initials.

Inventory reports to the Director


1. How many items were miss-scanned? Of those, how many were later found/not found?


2. How many items were miss-shelved?

3. How many scanned items were not in the database?

4. How many items were cataloged in the wrong collection?

5. How many items were on loan?

6. How many items were set on Lost or Missing? How many of those were found/not found?


7. How many items were not found at all? (The Summary Report is necessary to answer this question.)

Inventory Set up – Creating mobile scanning stations

Inventory Set up – Creating mobile scanning stations

The Systems Specialist and Library Assistant will revise the order of the collections to be scanned.

1. Use these collections:


2. To prepare for inventory scanning, the following need to be placed on carts in the Back Office

a. Laptops which have been set up with needed shortcuts for scanning created by the Systems Specialist.

b. Power cords for each

c. Scanners for each

d. Inventory Scan Log Sheets which have been properly labeled according to the collections’ abbreviations.

e. A pencil and a colored shelf marker for each

3. Train the students in the scanning instructions.

Inventory Scanning

Inventory Scanning

You’re going to be scanning bar codes for the cataloger, who will use the bar codes to compare the physical items on the shelf with the online catalog.  It is very important that you are very careful with your scanning so the data is accurate.

1. Login to the laptop.

2. Take your team’s mobile scanning station to the stacks to begin scanning. Use the scanning log sheet to determine where you need to start.

3. Write the beginning call number and barcode on the scanning log sheet.

4. Open a new Notepad document (this icon is on the computer’s desktop)

5. Scan a few barcodes and then Save the notepad document. You’ll save the document in Desktop>Bar Code Scanning->(Collection) and you’ll save it as barcodescanning_(collection)_(date)_(initial). For instance, “barcodescanning_TCHT_092812_BF.txt”. 

6. Start scanning the bar codes.  Make sure to scan every single item and make sure to stay in order.  You’ll hear a single beep but you must check to see that the 16 digit barcode number appears in the Notepad document and that the cursor moves to the next line.  If you think the scanner mis-scanned (if the number on the notepad document looks shorter than the other scanned ones), scan it again!  It’s better to have scanned an item twice than not at all. SAVE PERIODICALLY!

7. When your session is done, do your final save. Move the flag and write down your ending call number and bar code, return the cart to the back office, plug in the computer, and leave the log sheet on the cart.

8. When you are done with a collection, write DONE on the log sheet and put it in the Library Assistant’s mailbox. Continue this procedure until all collections are completed.

Inventory Scanning completion

1. Verify the students’ scanning completion by checking the log sheets.

2. Then, open the collection’s folder on the laptop.

3. (Optional step): Copy the folder over to your flash drive and work from there.

4. Create a new text file, and copy all of the barcodes from the other text files – in order, this is extremely important – to the new document.

5. Save the new file in the same directory, and name it using the collection code. Make sure not to use capital letters in the file name. It should automatically have the .txt file type.

Inventory Loading for the Marking and Summary reports

Inventory Loading for the Marking and Summary reports

The purpose of the following steps is to troubleshoot our bib records, to determine which bib records are missing, which items are missing, and which items are mishelved.

Inventory file upload

Once barcodes have been scanned for each collection, you are ready to transfer the barcodes to the ALEPH server for further processing. You will upload the file through an option on ODIN’s home page. Follow these instructions:

1. Go to the ODIN website’s File Upload page found at (you must be logged into the website to view this page):

2. Use the ‘Browse’ button to navigate to the file to be uploaded.  Up to 5 files can be uploaded at one time.

a. Files must be in .txt format

b. File names must be in lower case, contain no spaces, and have no punctuation with the exception of hyphens (-) and underscores (_).

c. Make note of the file name – it will be needed when running services later.

3. After entering the file(s), click ‘Submit’ to upload the file(s) to the server. A confirmation screen will come up once the file(s) is transferred.

4. Once the file has been uploaded, it must be moved into the library’s (ADM) scratch directory. Run the Move File to an Input Directory (Cust-90).  In the Circulation module, go to the menu bar and select Services | Odin Custom Move Files | Move File to an Input Directory (cust-90).

   NOTE: It is important to wait at least one minute AFTER uploading the file via the file upload page before running this service.  The server requires this time to fully upload your file so it is available to be moved with the cust-90 service.

5. Enter in the following:

a. File name to move:  enter the name of the file you uploaded on the File Upload page.  Note: Be certain to include the file extension as part of the name (.txt).

b. Where do you want to move this file?: Select “Move Uploaded file to the ADM scratch directory”

c. Click ‘Submit’.

6. The Move File to an Input Directory (cust-90) service does NOT provide an output file.  In order to monitor the service, go to the Task Manager Batch Log in the Administration tab.


The file will be identified in the Batch Log as p_custom_90.  It will have a status of ‘Success’ upon its completed run.  At this time, the file can be used as the Input to your inventory service reports.

Inventory Definition (item-01)

This report is required in order to run the Marking and Summary reports. To create, or mark, the range of items you will be working with, it is necessary to run the Inventory Definition service. 


Inventory Loading for the Marking and Summary reports- CONTINUED

1. In the Circulation module*, go to the menu bar and select Services -> Items-> Inventory Definition (item-01).  The following dialog box will appear:

2. Fill in/select these fields:

a. Output file:  enter a name for the report that will be generated by this service. It should begin with “ndv”, followed by an underscore, the collection code, another underscore, and your initials. For instance, ndv_nddoc_bf. Use all lowercase letters. This name will be used to retrieve the report from the task manager.

b. From Call Number:  use the beginning call number of the range scanned. Get it from the General Retrieval Report of the collectionThis is the weird looking call number. Copy & paste the barcode of the first scanned item into the search box in the Cataloging Module, go to items, and copy and paste the call number from the Call No. box (see the screenshot below).

c. To Call No.:  use the ending call number of the range scanned. Copy & paste the barcode of the lastscanned item into the search box in the Cataloging Module, go to items, and copy and paste the call number from the Call No. box

d. Call No. Type:  select the call number type from the drop-down menu. Based on the collection and the call numbers, it should be either Dewey Decimal Collection or Other

e. First/Second Call No.: keep it at First Call No.

f. Sublibrary: keep it at Valley City State University.

g. Collection:  enter the ALEPH collection code for the section scanned.

h. Item Status:  Select “Include the following item statuses”, and select All from the checkbox.

i. Item Process Status: Select “Include the following item statuses”, and check off ZZ, Offer and Library use only. Make sure no other statuses are selected.

j. Material Type: Select “Include the following material types”, and select All from the checkbox.

k. Inventory Definition Report Format:  keep it at 00.

3. Click Submit.

The Inventory Definition Report locates the items in the database that should be included within the inventory based on the parameters you’ve set.  It assigns this definition a shelf report number which is necessary for use in future services. 

 * Use the CIRCSUPER account to access the Services menu.

Instructions for running the Inventory Marking report (item-08)

Instructions for running the Inventory Marking report (item-08)

To compare your file of scanned barcodes to the shelf report, it is necessary to run the Inventory Marking job. 

1. In the Circulation module, go to the menu bar and select Services -> Items -> Inventory Marking. The following dialog box will appear:


2. Fill in the following:

a. Input File: use the name of the scanned barcodes file that you moved into the scratch directory with cust-90.

b. Shelf Report Number:  use the shelf report number created in the Inventory Definition service.

c. Produce Errors Report?:  Select Yes.

d. Report File:  enter a name for the report that will be generated by this service. It should begin with ndv, followed by an underscore, the collection code, an underscore, the word marking, an underscore, and your initials (for instance, ndv_nonf1_marking_bf.

e. Missing/Lost Item Process Statuses:  Select Missing, Lost.

f. Detect Errors:  Select all of the possible errors.

g. Errors Report Format:  Keep it at 00.

3. Click Submit.

4. In the Task Manager, refresh until the report opens.

5. Select the “View Raw XML” option under Print Configuration (in the lower left corner of the Task Manager). Wait until the report you saved shows up. Click Print, and a text file shows up. Go to Save As.  Save it with the file name “(collection code)_marking.xml”, and make sure to change the Save As type to All Files.

   Note: Change the “View Raw XML” selection back to Preview.

6. Then, start Excel and open the xml file that you saved, following these steps to get the xml file into a spreadsheet:

a. When prompted, select the “Use the XML Source task pane”, click OK.

b. Then click OK again when an additional message box comes up.

c. On the right side of the Excel screen, an XML Source box is displayed, with the XML fields contained in the report. These fields can be dragged to the Excel spreadsheet. Select the following fields

i.  <item-details>

ii.  <item-error-1>

iii. <item-error-2>

d. Drag these fields to the upper left corner cell of the spreadsheet. Each field should be in its own column.

e. The fields should show up; the data will not show up just yet.

f. To open the data, right click on one of the cells, select XML, and then Refresh Data to bring in the data from the XML File.

7. Modify the spreadsheet to remove the special characters (search for the phrases “$$k”, “$$h”, “$$i”, and “$$,m”.

8. Add Results and Initials columns.

9. Add the date and the collection name as a title to the spreadsheet.

10. Save the report as “(collection code)_(date)_marking_(initials).xlsx”

11. Email the spreadsheet to the Library Assistant to be searched in the Inventory Searching from the Marking Report step. 

Instructions for running the Inventory Summary report (item-09)

Instructions for running the Inventory Summary report (item-09)

1. To run the Inventory Summary job, in the Circulation module go to the menu bar and select Services -> Items ->  Inventory Summary (item-09).  The following dialog box will appear:

2. Fill in the following:

a. Shelf Report Number:  use the shelf report number created in the Inventory Definition service.

b. Report File:  enter a name for the report that will be generated by this service.  It should begin with ndv, followed by an underscore, the collection code, an underscore, the word summary, an underscore, and your initials (for instance, ndv_nonf1_summary_bf.)

c. Missing/Lost Item Process Statuses:  select Cataloging, Display, Missing, Lost, Offer, Processing, New Periodical Order, Order in process, and On Order.

d. Update Database:  Select No.

e. Sort Report By:  Call Number

f. Report Format:  select “Bib Info | Barcode | Sublibrary | Call No | Item Status”.

3. Click Submit.

4. In the Task Manager, refresh until the report opens. Then, set the Print Configuration to “View Raw XML”, and click the Print button.

5. A notepad file of the report will come up. Save the file, using .xml as an extension.

6. Open the saved file in Excel.

a. A window comes up asking you to select a way to open the file; select “Use the XML Source task pane”.

7. From the XML Source task pane, select Barcode, Call number, title, collection and description to import.

8. Right click on one of the cells, select XML, and then Refresh XML Data to bring in the data from the XML File.

9. Modify the spreadsheet to remove the special characters, if any.

10. Add Results and Initials columns.

11. Add the date and the collection name as a title to the spreadsheet. Save the report as “(collection code)_(date)_summary_(initials).xlsx”.

12. Now, run the report one additional time. This time, make the following changes in the procedure:

a. Update Database:  Select Yes.

b. Change the If Updating, change to process status to Missing.

12. Go to the Inventory Searching from the Summary Report step.

Inventory Searching from the Summary Report

Inventory Searching from the Summary Report

The Inventory Marking reports contain items that should have been scanned but were not, either due to being overlooked during scanning or being missing items. For this process, you will go through the report to take another look and seek out the item.

1. Get the Summary Report and pen/pencil located in the searching tray in the Back Office and go to the stacks to search. Make sure to take a cart for bringing back found items.

2. Begin by searching exactly where the item should be.

3. Make sure to spread the books apart, just in case it’s a small book that got squished to the back. Also search behind the shelves and on the floor beneath the book case.

4. If it isn’t there, read titles one book case before, one book case after, and the book case the item should be on.

5. No luck?  Search the item’s call number in all collections (Scores, CD’s on 2nd, ND Collection, Oversize, Reference, Audiovisuals, Juvenile Fiction, Easy Fiction, Juvenile Non-fiction, Easy Non-fiction, Textbooks, Activities, Kits, Juvenile Audiovisuals).

a. If the item has a prefix (like AV or NDC), ignore it when you search the other collections.

b. If the item has a Dewey Decimal number, search all collections by the Dewey number, then drop the number and search those that are organized alphabetically (such as Easy Fiction and Juvenile Fiction)

c. Still haven’t found it?  Try switching around some of the letters or numbers or dropping a letter or number. For example, if you’re searching 345.9887 E34, try searching 345.987 or 354.9887 or 345.897.

6. When you think you’ve found the item in the correct collection, check the barcode.

a. If it matches, then you have successfully found the item. Write “F”(found) in the Results column.

b. If it does not match, then keep looking.

c. If you still can’t find it, write “NF” (not found) in the Results column.

7. If you’ve found the item in an incorrect collection, check the barcode.

a. If it matches, write “WC” (wrong collection) in the Results column. Put in on your cart to send to cataloging later.

8. When you have to leave,

a. Initial and date where you ended, return the report to the search tray.

b. Change item status to CT (see instructions in Circulation) on all of the pulled items.

c. Place any pulled items from your cart to the Inventory Problems Cart.

9. When the search is completed for each collection, return the Summary Report to the Library Assistant.

10. The Library Assistant revises the electronic copy by entering in the information in the results column. (This may be assigned to a student as well).

11. The Library Assistant sends the edited Marking report(s) to the Systems Specialist.

Follow-up from Inventory Summary Report Search

Follow-up from the Summary report search

1. When you receive the searched and edited Summary report(s) from the Library Assistant, create separate spreadsheets for found and unfound items. This will provide statistical information for the Library Director.

2. Go through and conduct one last search for the items marked “NF” on the spreadsheet.

3. After searching for “NF” items, go back to the edited Summary report. Make any last changes to the Results column.

4. Send the spreadsheets to the Library Director

Inventory Searching from the Marking Report

Inventory Searching from the Marking report

The Inventory Marking reports contain items that were scanned successfully, but had certain problems. For this process, you will need to locate the items and follow the instructions below.

1. Get the Marking Report and pen/pencil located in the searching tray in the Back Office and go to the stacks to search. Make sure to take a cart for bringing back error items.

2. Ignore all “Item not in database” messages.

3. Items with the message “Item should be placed before …” means that the item is not shelved in the correct order. Use the call number and barcode given to find where this item should be shelved, and place it there. Write “MS” (miss-shelved) in the Results column.

4. For all other messages, pull the item, and write “CT” (cataloging) in the Results column.

5. If you cannot find a particular item, write “NF” (not found) in the Results column.

6. When you have to leave, or the collection is done,

a. Initial and date where you ended, return the report to the search tray on the Library Assistant's desk.

b. Change item status to CT (see instructions in Circulation) on all of the pulled items.

c. Place any pulled items from your cart to the Inventory Problems Cart.

7. When the search is completed for each collection, return the Marking Report to the Library Assistant.

8. The Library Assistant revises the electronic copy by entering in the information in the results column. (This may be assigned to a student as well).

9. The Library Assistant sends the edited Marking report(s) to the Systems Specialist.

Follow-up from the Marking report search

Follow-up from the Marking report search

1. When you receive the searched and edited Marking report(s) from the Library Assistant, create separate spreadsheets for each type of error. This will provide statistical information for the Library Director.

a. “Item should be placed before …”: These are all miss-shelved.

b. “Item is not in the database”: This means that either the bib record was removed (meaning that this item should have been weeded), or the item was not cataloged when we received it.  Bring this to the Systems Specialist, who will determine the solution.

c. “Item does NOT belong to Shelf Report No. [number], but to No.[number]”: This means that the item was not part of the scope of the inventory definition.  Check the item record to see if this item may be part of a different collection (it may actually belong in another collection, or this may be a mistake in cataloging). Then, fix any errors and send the item to verification.

d. “Item is on loan”: This item was not checked in properly. Check the item in with ALEPH Circulation, check to make sure that the item hasn’t generated any overdue fees (if it has, then you will need to discuss how to waive the fee with the User Services librarian) and place it on the shelving cart.

e. “Item is Lost or Missing”: This item has its item process status set to Lost or Missing. Remove this status for the item, and place it on the shelving cart.