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Allen Memorial Library Policies and Procedures Manual: Web Accessibility 101

a collection of all policies and procedures for the VCSU Allen Memorial Library


Universal Access  Universal Access refers to “the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design” (The Center for Universal Design)  Physical Universal Access  Curb cuts Automatic doors Ramps   Digital Universal Access Videos with subtitles Color contrast  Using alternative text for images Web Accessibility  Web accessibility is an important subsection of Universal Access. Web Accessibility describes “websites, tools, and technologies that are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them. More specifically, people can: perceive, understand, navigate, interact with the Web and contribute to the Web” (W3C)  Examples:  Alternative text Descriptive headings Descriptive link names  Ensure that all content can be accessed with the keyboard alone in a logical wayEducational Accommodations  “The term ‘accommodation’ may be used to describe an alteration of environment, curriculum format, or equipment that allows an individual with a disability to gain access to content and/or complete assigned tasks” (DO-IT).  Examples:  Sign language interpreters  Extended time  Large print books

Digital Accessibility Basics

Introduction to Web Accessibility Fundamentals

This is a tutorial and video series from WAI/W3C. Using this website and its content organized in 6 tabs across the top of page could be an excellent and thorough introductory tutorial. It contains many links to other resources too. Their Perspectives Videos are well-done and informative.

Accessibility vs. Accommodation

From U of MN: “Eliminating barriers for an individual upon request (accommodation) is good and important. Better is creating an inclusive environment that naturally welcomes all gifts and allows them to be given (accessibility).” Their page explaining the Impact of accessibility in Digital Environments is a nice summary of key issues.

Accessibility in Education

Useful infographic providing an overview accessibility in education.

Section 508: What is It and Why is It Important to You?

Introduction to Section 508 and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Explains what Section 508 is and why it’s important, how Section 508 conformance can make ICT more accessible, reviews job-related responsibilities for meeting Section 508 standards, offers resources to help you meet your Section 508 responsibilities.

Accessibility of ICT: An Overview for Government Executives

High-level overview of the Revised 508 Standards. Explains roles and responsibilities of Federal government executives, including agency heads, CIOs and CAOs, and Section 508 Program Managers.

What is accessible design?

By Penn State with links to WebAIM and W3C


This guide was last updated August 2018